Breeding, Dental, Reproductive Health Advice, Skin Problem Resources, Vet Minute

Vet Minute: The Importance of Dental and Skin Care for Breeding Stud Dogs

How do you take care of a male dog used for breeding? In this Vet Minute, Revival’s Director of Veterinary Services, Dr. Marty Greer, talks about why healthy teeth and skin are especially important for a breeding male dog.

Dental and Skin Care for Stud Dogs

How Do You Prepare a Male Dog for a Stud

Why is dental and skincare so important for a breeding male dog? Proper dental health can help prevent against periodontal disease which can impact the dog’s heart. A strong heart is very important for the overall health of your dog, especially a breeding male.

When it comes to skincare, if his skin is healthy, he will feel better and do a better job. Make sure your males are clear of dermatitis, manage, hot spots, acne, and other skin problems. I recommend Vet Basics Sebo Plus to help relieve any bacterial skin infections. If your stud dog is dealing with ringworm, yeast, pyoderma or bacterial dermatitis, chlorhexidine shampoos such as EquiShield® CK Shampoo are a good option. You want to make sure nothing is transferred to the female during breeding, for example, things like mange mites and fleas. Look for small black specks, that may be a sign of fleas. If you see signs of fleas, use Capstar or another flea preventative.

Before breeding, I recommend to schedule a spa day for your male and perform a comprehensive routine physical exam. It will make you both feel better knowing he is healthy on the outside and inside. If you need help or have other stud dog and breeding questions, call us at 800.786.4751.

Marty Greer, DVM

Written by: Marty Greer, DVM

Director of Veterinary Services

Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, has 40+ years’ experience in veterinary medicine, with special interests in canine reproduction and pediatrics. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University in 1981. She’s served as Revival’s Director of Veterinary Services since 2019. In 2023, Dr. Greer was named the Westminster Kennel Club Veterinarian of the Year.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.